
  • A hand wearing yellow household gloves cleans a window with a yellow sponge against a clear blue sky background. A butterfly on a yellow flower is in an organic shape near the hand.

    Making your own natural homemade surface cleaners contributes to a healthier environment and a cleaner home. The process can also help to reduce the mental stresses that lead to task paralysis, thus improving our wellbeing.

    25 June 2024

  • The bathroom products my parents used at home often left me feeling physically ill. I was undiagnosed AuDHD and I did not know how to deal with the scents that followed me around the house. I have read many stories from others who continue to have different and some similar experiences with various scents and smells around the home.

    14 June 2024

  • Image showing a clean kitchen and an organic shape containing natural cleaning ingredients and cleaning materials.

    It has always been difficult for me to keep my kitchen tidy. Since being diagnosed AuDHD, I have figured out a mix of different approaches to help me stay on task. One of the key steps was taking control of which products I use for washing up and cleaning in the kitchen.

    30 May 2024

  • Colour saturated image of someone scratching their left forearm.

    As neurodivergent individuals who experience a range of related conditions, we often experience heightened sensitivities to our environments. Including traditional natural cleaning agents in our everyday routine helps to create a safer, more comfortable home environment

    8 May 2024